At Blessed John Duckett Catholic Primary School, it is our intention to provide an Art and Design curriculum:
- That develops a love and appreciation of art, craft and design.
- As Artists, Crafters and Designers, children will develop a bank of knowledge and skills that will give them the confidence to independently select techniques and ideas to produce creative and imaginative artwork that is a true expression of their talent and ideas.
- Through sketchbook work, we want to give them the freedom to explore techniques and ideas to develop their own unique style of art by investigating and testing ideas.
- Children will become confident and proficient in a variety of techniques including drawing, painting, sculpting, as well as other selected craft skills, e.g. collage, printing, weaving and patterns.
- They will be able to take action to refine their skills and to improve their mastery of materials, selecting relevant processes to produce a successfully finished piece of work.
- Children will have the opportunity to explore their ideas and record their experiences, as well as exploring the work of others and evaluate different creative ideas.
- They will be able to evaluate their own work and that of professionals, taking into account starting points, intentions and context.
- We want the children to know that there is a wide and diverse world of art by exploring male and female artists, crafts people and designers, from around the world, from different cultures, using different techniques and influences and from both the past and the present.
- Children will be able to describe, interpret and explain work, ideas and practises of many different artists and craftspeople over a range of historical and social backgrounds. They will develop a technical vocabulary to do this effectively.
- Every opportunity is provided to enhance children’s artistic experiences both in and outside the classroom, by way of observing and painting from real life, by working with artists-in-residence and performing arts groups, by taking part in community projects and art exhibitions, trips to galleries, museums and festival halls. We make the most of our rural location to develop children’s artistic appreciation of the natural beauty which surrounds them as well as our rich artistic heritage
- Children will see how can be used art to enhance the community in which they live and how it can make a difference to people’s lives, benefitting emotional health and well-being.
- Themed home learning tasks are designed to encourage and deepen children’s own knowledge and interests.
- Our curriculum is tailored to the diverse needs of our children.
- We provide an enhanced curriculum which goes beyond the classroom.
Art Policy