Effective transition at all stages is essential to ensure that children feel safe within the learning environment. At Blessed John Duckett, we have systems in place to ensure that transition is as smooth as possible for all of our pupils.

Transition into Reception

Transition from Nursery to Reception Class is a big step for both our children and their parents. We aim to support our families through this important stage in a number of ways. Children who attend our nursery are also part of the Reception class as we operate an EYFS unit. The children will have the same teacher for nursery and reception.

For children who attend other Nursery or Pre-School provision we recommend that families come for a visit to our school and spend time with the staff and children. Following this, parents will be invited to visit school for an induction event.

All children who are starting Reception in September will be invited to attend ‘Moving Up’ Day in July. They will attend for half a day to meet our staff and explore Blessed John Duckett’s Early Years provision. Children may also stay for a school lunch.

Transition between classes

At Blessed John Duckett we work closely within each milestone so children become familiar with each staff team. Transition is treated the same at every juncture and children are given the opportunity to take part in ‘Moving Up’ where children spend time with their new class teacher in their new classroom. During the summer term staff meet to share information and for those children who require provision that is additional to or different from quality first teaching we make additional arrangements to support these children through the transition. This can include spending additional time in their new classroom, visiting their new classroom with their current member of support staff, beginning transition arrangements earlier in the Summer Term or photographs of their new classroom to take home and talk about with Parents and Carers during the Summer holidays. The support provided is tailored to the needs of individual children and will be discussed with parents and carers and the child.

Transition into Key Stage Three

Once Secondary School places have been allocated, a Transition Worker works between our cluster of schools throughout the Spring and Summer Terms in Year 6. The transition worker liaises with children and families in order to ensure they are fully prepared for the next stage of their education. All our feeder schools have transition days where your child can meet staff and classmates. They will also have opportunities to participate in sample lessons.


For children with additional needs, as part of our transition package, the SENCO will ensure that all SEND information is passed onto the next school to ensure that they are fully aware of any additional needs your child may have. The SENCO will work closely with families to ensure that the needs of the individual are met to the best of her ability. For example, extra transition visits for both parents and pupils, involvement of SENDIASS or support around the social or emotional well-being of the pupil.

Joining our school at other times

If your child joins our school during a Key Stage or mid-way through the academic year, systems are in place to aid their transition from their previous school. When you visit our school, the Head Teacher, Miss Ellison, will give you a tour and your child will have opportunities to see their new classroom and meet their teacher. If your child has SEND, we will liaise with the SENCO from your child’s previous school to ensure that we have the required information to enable us to support your child fully. It would be beneficial if you could discuss your child’s needs with us and share any information you have when you visit.