What is Pupil Premium Funding?

Pupil Premium is additional funding given to publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils to try and ensure they; attain as well as and make as much progress as their peers. Pupil premium funding is available to both mainstream and non-mainstream schools, such as special schools and pupil referral units.

How the funding is allocated?

Pupil Premium is paid to schools according to the number of pupils who have been: registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the past six years or been in care for six months or longer.  The amount of funding received for each child in this instance is £1,345.  In addition Pupil Premium Funding is provided for pupils; in the care of, or provided with accommodation by the local authority (£2,345) and Service Pupils (£310)

Summary of Barriers to Educational Achievement at Blessed John Duckett RC Catholic School

The challenges faced by eligible pupils are wide ranging, their attainment on entry varies and the school takes account of each child’s entry point and ensures they are well supported to achieve their potential.  Below are shared some of these barriers which can apply to pupils in our school.

  • Pupils entering school are in some instances entering school below the national expectation particularly in areas the areas of understanding, speaking, self-confidence and awareness, reading, numbers, the world, technology, expressive arts and design and lack confidence.
  • Find it difficult to interact with other pupils
  • Require additional support to access phonics, reading and developing their writing skills, speech and language
  • Require additional support in mathematics
  • Work ethic, poor concentration
  • Response by parents to homework/reading and spelling practice
  • If parents have had limited educational experiences themselves we work hard to establish strong links.

External Barriers

  • Attendance issues/Holidays
  • Budget Constraints
  • Variation in cohort size

We measure the impact of pupil premium by closely monitoring our intervention programmes through learning walks, pupil progress meetings, data and work scrutiny. We monitor the progress of these children and provide support as described below if it is required. These children have priority access to these interventions. In practice, this means that if their progress is border line for their ability they will receive the additional support. The impact of this support will be reviewed every half term, pupils’ attainment and progress will be discussed with governors including the appointed Pupil Premium Governor.

Pupil Premium Documents

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