At Blessed John Duckett Catholic Primary School, it is our intention to provide a computing curriculum:
- That inspires in children a curiosity and interest in technological innovations.
- That will immerse them in the fascinations of technology in order to broaden aspirations and horizons, enabling them to become active participants in an ever changing, modern-day digital world.
- For children to become resilient and independent learners who will develop skills in critical thinking, problem-solving and creative design that are transferable to other curriculum areas.
- As effective and confident computer users, children will see technology as the ‘go to’ tool to support their learning
- As IT Users, children will ask and answer questions to develop a deeper understanding of how the world works. They will carry out research; collect, analyse and communicate data; exchange and present information in a variety of ways.
- They also learn how to design,write and debug programs.
- They will be organised and flexible in their working ethic and be able to follow logical processes.
- Themed home learning tasks are designed to encourage and deepen children’s own knowledge and interests.
- Our curriculum is tailored to the diverse needs of our children.
- We provide an enhanced curriculum which goes beyond the classroom, ensuring a breadth of experience which helps children take their place within their own community and beyond and become responsible digital citizens
Computing Policies