The ability to use language effectively is at the heart of all learning:


Giving, receiving and following instructions accurately, listening to points of view, expressing an opinion, sharing ideas, explaining, reporting and recounting are vital to successful language development and are skills essential to every area of the curriculum.   Children are encouraged to speak confidently and to extend a fluency in language, through discussion, drama and role play.


At Blessed John Duckett, we ensure that all children experience many different kinds of books, story books, poetry, fiction and information. Our aim is that children develop a confident, interested and enthusiastic approach to books and reading. They are given the opportunity to become fluent and independent readers. We use a variety of books, schemes and approaches in the teaching of reading to meet the individual needs of the child. We believe it is important for parents to support their child through reading in the home.


There is an emphasis on the teaching of phonics in the early stages of teaching children to read in order to help them understand that letters on the page represent the sounds in spoken words.

At Blessed John Duckett we follow a program of 'Letters and Sounds'. Children from Early Years and Key Stage One participate in daily phonics lessons which focus on reading and spelling. Children from Key Stage Two also receive phonics sessions if required as part of a small group. At Blessed John Duckett we also deliver the teaching of spellings through 'magic spelling' in which children are encouraged to read on sight.


Some children will enjoy writing stories for their own sake; others find it easier if there is a purpose and/or an audience.  To this end, it is our job to provide opportunities for children to select their own topics for writing, to write in a variety of forms, and to read, write, talk and listen to each other as well as the teacher.  It is our aim that children appreciate and enjoy language and literature.

As a child’s writing develops particular attention is given to punctuation and vocabulary. Correct spelling is very important and encouraged from the beginning of a child’s learning. Children are also encouraged to produce written work of a high standard with clarity and style and are therefore taught correct letter formation, following a cohesive pattern throughout the school.

BJD Writing Long Term Plan

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BJD Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling LTP

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