At Blessed John Duckett Catholic Primary School, it is our intention to provide a history curriculum:
- That inspires children’s curiosity to know more about the past, enabling them to explore the complexity of people’s lives and key events both in the local area and the wider world.
- As an Historian, our children will have a good understanding and knowledge of Britain’s past with a particular focus on the local area of County Durham; especially Tow Law.
- We expect them to be able to compose historically framed questions when investigating the topic they are studying. When conducting their enquiries into the past children will think critically and have an enquiring mind when analysing sources drawing logical conclusions; with an understanding that there can be different interpretations of the past.
- Throughout their primary education children will develop a chronological understanding of significant periods of history and understand the relationship between these.
- Children will be able to make comparisons and connections between different time periods and their own lives developing an empathetic awareness of how change occurs over time.
- As Historians, children will be able to carry out research and communicate their findings in a variety of ways, including using IT.
- Children will develop a range of investigation and problem-solving skills that are transferable to other curriculum areas and which can be used to promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development; helping children to make links.
- Every opportunity is provided to enhance children’s experiences both in and outside the classroom, by way of outdoor learning, local fieldwork, community links, trips and residential stays.
- Themed home learning tasks are designed to encourage and deepen children’s own knowledge and interests.
- We make the most of our historic location to develop children’s appreciation of their rich heritage and traditions.
- We shape our curriculum to ensure it is fully inclusive to every child.
- We provide an enhanced curriculum which goes beyond the classroom.